Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

At the time when the pandemic reached Europe and all countries went gradually into lockdown, two of our VET partners, AKMI in Athens and Belfast Met in Belfast, were about to deliver one final round of piloting the Live Skills curricula. The two VET providers followed a common approach, but lets have a look at what happened in each country:

  • Athens (GR)
    A series of customized pilot seminars and workshops would be delivered direcltly in the premises of three cultural organizations, the National Auditorium, Green Pixel Productions and KROMA Art Magazine. The content of these seminars was designed through selecting thematics of the available Live Skills curricula, based on the upskilling needs of the employees in these organisations. Since eventually it was not possible to deliver these seminars face to face they were turned into virtual classes. The virtual classes were arranged in up to 3-hours intensive seminars, and every participant had the opportunity to register for the seminar that was relevant to their subject without any prior engagement required. The classes that took place online included the following subjects: Digital and New Technologies (Video and Audio Software, Digital Marketing, Copyright and Piracy, Digital Art & Design) and Arts Management (Marketing and Communication, Copyright in Creative Projects, Financial Management).

  • Belfast (UK)
    Similarly, Belfast Met had scheduled to deliver two customized series of workshops for the employees of two cultural organizations in Belfast, Crescent Arts Centre and Youth Lyric. The first programme is entitled 'Creating a Social Media Marketing Strategy' and contains content taken from the third module of Digital and New Technologies - Digital Marketing. The second programme is entitled 'Using Adobe Photoshop to manipulate images' based on content found in the Digital and New Technologies module. The response to the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was different here. A unique website was created to host demonstration videos covering the topics of these two workshops step by step, and available for anyone to use at their own pace. You can read more about these online resources here and access the website here.

See also

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