Thursday 26 March 2020 -
10:30 to 15:30

‘Creative Skills development in a digital age: case studies and policy opportunities’

The British Council and the Federation of European Publishers, on behalf of Live Skills and ASAP partnership respectively, are delighted to invite you to ‘Creative Skills in a digital age’ webinar to share experience, good practices and challenges in providing innovative and industry led vocational education for the cultural and creative sector. 

The webinar will be an opportunity for delegates to share, interact and network with colleagues from across Europe building on the outputs, impacts and benefits of two innovative Erasmus+ Projects (ASAP and Liveskills) focusing on enhancing skills of young learners and professionals who are looking to build a career in the creative industries (publishing, live performance and audio-visual sectors).

The Live Skills project is an Erasmus+ project coordinated by the British Council, with partners in Bulgaria, Greece, Northern Ireland and Romania. The project’s key objectives were to enhance skills in the Audiovisual (AV) and Live Performance (LP) sectors, through piloting an innovative learning curriculum, based on country level research. The project partners identified that there was a need to tackle gaps in Arts Management, Creative Entrepreneurship and Digital Skills, both to address market needs and to support the skills diversification that non-linear careers require. The project started with a research workstrand to identify the skills gaps, and this evidence base was then used for the collaborative development and piloting of training in all 4 countries.  Almost 200 learning materials are now available on the project’s website and free to use under creative commons licence by teachers, employers and individual learners.

The ASAP (Anticipatory Skills for Adapting the Publishing sector) Project is coordinated by the Fondazione Centro Studi Villa Montesca and has partners in Belgium, Greece, Italy, Spain and the UK. The digital revolution has greatly impacted the publishing sector, from business models to distribution channels, from consumption patterns to production processes, with effects on all areas of the book publishing value chain. ASAP looks at the changes brought about in the competences and skills required by the main professional profiles in publishing, to draw a map of the competence needs and deliver flexible training programmes that will provide employees, but also unemployed, self-employed, low-skilled employees and young VET students the opportunity to update their professional skills and knowledge. The main output of the project is a MOOC platform with contents focusing on the most innovative aspects of the main professional profiles.

During the online conference delegates will be able to discuss the curriculum development process, the potential of innovative learning materials and research on skills, the challenges and benefits of international collaboration in vocational education, and in particular to share thoughts on future policy opportunities for vocational education. 

The event will be held online via ZOOM on the 26th March, from 10.30 to 15:30 (CET). The link to join the webinar will be shared only with registered participants on a first come first served basis.

Click here to register!

For any further info or enquiries, please contact Nicole Nikolaou on